I’m excited to announce the release of ZauberCMS v2 – The Blazor CMS! While this update might not impact many, it introduces breaking changes for those who experimented with v1, alongside a host of improvements and optimizations.
When hosting on IIS and your Blazor app has an error, it's not obvious how to see the error and fix it when you only have an appSettings.json
No fancy virtual pages needed. You can use standard Blazor and layouts to display CMS content if you want
After quite some time and a lot of stress, I'm happy to announce, with the launch of this blog - ZauberCMS is now released.
In this post I show you how easy it is to extend ZauberCMS by directly using the EF Core DbContext & Mediatr.
Using external JavaScript libraries within your Blazor site when it's statically rendered, requires you to follow a specific pattern to be able to fire methods onload.